Reducer, flange products
Reducer is the name given to a gear system that changes the torque ratio of rotational motion through gears. Gearboxes, together with the gearbox, can be described as an element of parallel gears. In a structural sense, the reducer consists of gears, shafts, bearings, etc.installed in the housing. this is the general name for systems consisting of parts.
- gearboxes can be found where there are motion control systems. However, it is more common in industries such as cement, automotive, mining, energy, metallurgy, logistics, agriculture, where higher torque and lower rotational speed are required.
Cycloid Reducers
Cylindrical Reducers
Extruder Reductors
Feed Mixing Reducers
Vane Feeding Reducers
Crane Reducers
Infinite Gear Reducers
Gear Reducers with Val Mounting
Gear Reducers with Val Mounting
Industrial Type Reducers
Planetary Gear Reducers
Parallel Val Mounted Gearboxes
Oblique Infinite Gear Reducers
Oblique Bevel Gear Reducers
Oblique Bevel Gear Reducers
Oblique Gear Reducers